LendPlus is an issuer and distributor of credit contracts to consumers, under its Australian Credit Licence (ACL No. 390936). Accordingly, we must comply with the Design and Distribution Obligations, and are required to have and provide Target Market Determinations ("TMDs") for our products under law.
A TMD sets out:
the group of customers that is the target market for each of our financial product;
the conditions on how our financial product is distributed to customers; and
events and circumstances where we will review the TMD for our financial product.
TMDs do not contain all the information that a consumer may require prior to deciding whether to acquire or continue to hold a Product. TMDs do not provide Product advice and do not contain a full summary of Product features, applicable fees, benefits or risks. You should refer to all the relevant webpages under our 'Legal + Hardship' section before deciding whether to acquire or continue to hold a Product.
To view the LendPlus TMDs, please download one of the PDFs below: